Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Common Cold
Natural home remedy using milk, turmeric powder and black pepper powder
- Take 1 glass of warm milk
- Add 1 tsp of turmeric powder
- Add 1 tsp of black pepper powder
- Mix well
- Drink 2 times everydayNatural home remedy using carom seeds
- Crush 1 tbsp carom seeds
- Put 1 tsp of this powder in a clean cloth
- Tie the cloth in a bundle
- Hold this bundle close to your nose and inhale
Natural home remedy using ladyfingers
- Take 100 gm ladyfingers or okra
- Cut them into small pieces
- Add them to ½ L hot water
- Heat for 10-15 min
- Inhale the steam coming from the mixture
- This gives relief from dry cough and throat irritation