Tuesday 2 August 2016

12 Very Simple Tips to avoid Pimples

To look attractive it is not just about good clothes but an attractive skin is also desirable. Each one of us wants a fresh and clear skin with no sign of wrinkles or blemishes over it. And what about pimples? Oh we so loathe them. Pimples are in fact one of the most stressful things to spot in morning. They are red, they are ugly and they can also be infectious. For a lot of people pimples are a complete nightmare. Imagine this- A romantic date with your boyfriend and a night before there is this little red monster sitting on your forehead or you have got an important board meeting at office but an evil pimple on your nose can draw more attention than your PowerPoint presentation.
Nightmares aren’t these? The moment we spot a pimple on our face we start thinking of all the possible ways to get rid of it as soon as possible. But getting rid of pimples isn’t that an easy task as we may think or maybe it is! Here are 12 simplest of tips which you can follow and these will definitely help in keeping your skin pimple free.

12. Keep your face clean

Cleansing shall be one of the most important steps of your skin care routine. Even if you are not having an acne problem washing the face twice a day helps in removing dirt, oil and dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. Less oil and dirt also means less acne. While washing your face never apply soap and always use a mild face cleanser. Also wash the face only with warm or cold water as using hot water can cause pimples.

11. Watch your hair often

To avoid having pimples it is not just necessary to keep your face oil free but your hair shall also not be oily. Leaving overnight oil on your hair can cause pimples as the hair touching your face will make your skin oily. Wash your hair regularly and don’t let them fall on your face. Also go easy on products like hair gels, fragrances and deodorants as they can clog up the skin pores leading to pimples.

10. Keep your hands away from your face

Siting an unpleasant pimple makes us want to pop it immediately to get rid of it. But touching and popping pimples can only accentuate the problem. Don’t let your hands touch your face very often. It can spread bacteria, cause infections or further more pimples which you certainly don’t want.

9. Eat healthy

Mothers always tell us that no amount of cosmetic products can benefit our skin as much as eating a healthy diet comprising of fresh fruits and vegetables can. This is in fact true. Eating oily and greasy food like chocolates or junk food doesn’t do much good to our skin while eating grains, fruits and vegetables helps us in keeping it healthy and pimple free.

8. Apply ice

Ice soothes the skin, particularly the affected area which can help your skin to become pimple-free. Applying ice on the skin will remove the oil and dirt trapped inside and reduces the redness and swelling. To get rid of an eruption, put an ice cube in a cloth and gently press it against the affected skin. Or one can also make it a routine to apply crushed ice or ice cubes to the skin in order to avoid pimples.

7. Apply honey

Honey masks are quite a common acne treatment. Applying honey on the face works both as a preventive method and as a treatment for pimples. It is a natural antiseptic that soothes and heals the skin. The antioxidants present in honey can help in reducing the inflammation over the skin and making it pimple free. Apply some honey on your face for 15-30 minutes and then wash it off. Not only will it work against your acne problem but it also makes the skin smooth and supple.

6. Use lemons

Like honey, lemons are also believed to be a quite effective natural treatment for getting rid of pimples. Lemons can help avoiding pimples in more than one way. Lemon juice reduces the oil, kills bacteria, reduces redness and also removes the pimple scars. To use it over your pimples squeeze some fresh lime juice over a cotton swab or a cotton ball and apply it over your face. It can give quick results.

5. Use baking soda

Another wonder product which you already have in your kitchen and it can help you fight against pimples is baking soda. A mixture of baking soda and lemon juice can be applied on the skin to make it pimple free. Baking soda is an amphoteric compound which means it can work both as an acid and as a base. It helps in neutralizing the skin’s pH, imbalance in which is often a cause behind acne. It also dries the skin removing any extra oil and mixing some baking soda with water works wonderfully in cleansing and exfoliating our skin.

4. Apply toothpaste

While treating pimples you don’t always need to go and buy some specialized cosmetic product but your humble toothpaste can also be of a lot of use. Now while using toothpaste as a pimple treatment always choose a white toothpaste and not the gel or red, blue or green stripes ones. Also don’t use the teeth whitening toothpaste to apply over the skin. Wash your face with warm water and a cleanser and pat dry. Now take a pea size amount of toothpaste and apply it only over the affected area. Keep it for a couple of hours or overnight and then wash it. Your pimples must be either gone or much less visible.

3. Use Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a cactus like plant with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-septic, astringent and a lot more useful medicinal properties. It can be used in a lot of ways- as a moisturizer, a face mask, shaving oil or it can also be included in your diet. Aloe Vera can work wonders for treating and preventing acne as it removes excess oil and dirt from the skin. It stimulates the cell growth, and helps the damaged skin for healing faster.

2. Use dermatological products or treatments

If all else fails then this can be your backup plan. There is a huge variety of anti-acne products- face washes, creams, face packs etc., available in the market these days. Search a little, find a product that will best suit your skin type and give it a try. If still your pimples are unlikely to go away then don’t hesitate from going to a dermatologist.

1. Take a chill pill!

If you didn’t know it already then let me break it to you. Stress causes PIMPLES!! Not that I’m excited about it or something but it actually does. When our body produces the stress hormone, it leads to causing pimples in two ways. 1: The hair follicle lining thickens due to the hormone causing whiteheads and blackheads and if bacteria gets trapped inside of it, a pimple is formed. 2: Our body directs blood and oxygen to more vital areas leaving skin dehydrated and prone to clogged pores and breakouts. Hence in order to avoid pimples one also needs to reduce their stress levels. You may try yoga or meditation to stay stress-free and pimple-free.